
New Earth UK is a Charitable Company (limited by guarantee) registered in the UK . Please donate generously to help us to build safe shelter with locally available and affordable natural materials for homeless, disaster victims, and those in need all over the world. We do not simply send a ready made product such as a tent in the case of an emergency. Our goal is to teach and empower those in need by showing them how to build and step by step transferring the knowledge acquired over 25 years in the field.

No amount is too small or too large. Donate the price of your daily cup of coffee, or sponsor a shelter or an entire Eco-Village. As we are a small organisation with a big heart and dedicated builders in diverse countries, we can’t guarantee that every donation will get a thank you letter. But you should know that your donation will go directly to the project costs and not to office rent or anyone’s pay-check.

Sustainable Living Eco-Villages and Earth Architecture